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Leather balm

Our range of leather balm is of the highest quality so your leather will feel good and last for a long time. You can buy your leather balm from us at our equistrian store at Drottningholm, Sweden. Or shop online here at the webshop.

16 products

Leather cream - 200ml

Leather cream - 200ml


Leather balsam - 500ml
Läderbalsam - 300 ml
Luxe Leather Food - 500ml

Don't forget to treat your equipment with leather conditioner

Belvoir Tack conditioner step. 2

Belvoir Tack conditioner step 2

Carr & Day & Martin

Curium Leather balm

Curium Leather balm


Leather balm, anti-slip

Leather balm, anti-slip


Leather care sponge

Leather care sponge

Carr & Day & Martin

Ko-Cao-Line Leather Dressing

Ko-Cao-Line Leather Dressing

Carr & Day & Martin

Brecknell Turner Saddle & Leather Conditioning Soap
Leather Balm - 150 ml

Leather Balm - 150 ml


Rund svamp för lädervård
Effax läderbalsam 500 ml

Leather Balm - 500 ml




Hansbo Sport

Saddle soap sponge

Saddle soap sponge

Hansbo Sport


You have seen 16 out of 16 products